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Reddit takes control of popular subreddit that protested API changes (engadget.com)
35 points by danboarder 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Reddit at the moment is trying everything to inflate metrics before their IPO.

Dislike an advertisement of a brand and it will ask you do you want to subscribe to that brand’s subreddit.

“r/Place works by letting users drop a pixel of one of eight colors wherever they want on the canvas, but they have to wait a few minutes to be able to drop another.“ - the functionality users have been demanding…

I was getting spammed on LinkedIn by the CEO of an infra platform company. I looked on Reddit to see what the company was about. Glowing reviews from numerous accounts that all mysteriously stopped posting shortly after leaving those reviews.

>The admin account u/ModCodeofConduct has taken sole charge of r/malefashionadvice, a community with more than 5.4 million subscribers.

Good. I have little sympathy for mods who shut down subreddits built on the contribution of users over a decade over something as trivial as app choice. If there was something absolutely vital provided by a 3rd party app, there were more productive ways of engaging with management.

Downvote away.

For me it was more than api prices. They are free to set the prices of a service they provide. I took issue with the misleading and slandering of Christian, one of the developers. They shut up pretty quick when Christian provided proof through call recordings and email transcripts. Pretty egregious imo and that was what drove my decision to abandon Reddit completely.

Reddit didnt "take" control. Reddit had control from the very start.

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