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Agreed. This belongs in a museum

Where doesthe outcome of proceeds go - and lets assume they go to some "fund for future futures to futureer the futurings on futures" bullshit...

How even measure outcomes, aside from the fact that "they" want to bury this 'thing'

Prove me wrong.

it belongs in every seed vault, and we should make them every where... with an adjascent tech vault - that supplies every way of reading medium in our techvolutionary timeline.

sounds stupid, but true - we need many more vaults.

That should be the first install on mars "sure musk, we will fund your trip to mars as soon as your bots can build a DNA/seed vault of everyhting we can shoot at it - and it is able to receive these independantly.

I know im late to reply, but i definitely agree. I also think that we need to put more thought as a society into this kind of stuff.

I know there are niche communities and museums that house a lot of cool old tech and such, but theres no backup plan for much of the tech thats rolling in.

One downside or problem though would be the space, and the duplicates, required. And to add to that, I think an additional resource would be the schematics and documentation of any of that tech coming into the vaults.

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