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Is there anything wrong with not knowing how to swim? It's a handy skill but not needed to the majority.

I live in the middle of my country, there aren't even any rivers nearby. I'm not going to drown.

Yes. I think in general. It's a significant case of death.

My undergrad (supposedly) will not graduate you unless you pass a swim test, have a waiver, or take a swim class.

ADDED: Something I've observed in the UK is rescue lifebuoys along rivers. Not saying it's a bad idea at all but never seen in the US.

Generally said to be people who can swim who get into trouble and drown. People who can't stay out of the water. So if you can't swim you are missing out on fun but are probably safer in practice.

No. I'm going to say you can't always avoid getting into water. So at least minimal (with an emphasis on that word) skills are important.

"No. I'm going to say you can't always avoid getting into water."

True but accidentally ending up in water is rare. Deliberately putting yourself in water because you can swim is common. I'd still rather swim personally, but if I stayed out of the sea I would be safer.

That seems completely crazy.

What does one ability to swim has to do with whether they are a good computer scientist, doctor or lawyer? Insane.

Two weeks ago we were at a local lake where lots of people go to swim. There was some commotion suddenly, with lots of people shouting around. Apparently someone disappeared. Then fire trucks showed up, divers jumped in the lake, the police blocked of a part of the lake, ambulances arrived.

The next day we read in the local paper that a 26 year old man had drowned. Apparently he was a poor swimmer. They found him at the bottom of the lake, just 30m from the shore.

The only way to prevent tragedies like this is to make sure every kid learns to swim.

>I'm not going to drown.

Because you're never going to leave your home. So, yes, you don't need to be an Olympic athlete but if you can't basically swim you're stupid.

> if you can't basically swim you're stupid.

That's a ridiculous statement. There are so many other skills that could save your life one day, not knowing how to do that particular one isn't any stupider than not knowing how to climb a tree to escape a bear.

I agree people should be given the opportunity to learn how to swim but let's look at reality for a moment: Worldwide, almost 60% of humans do not know how to swim and they still get by fine... Wild, isn't it?

This is puerile melodrama.

I get out in my urban metro with rivers and ponds all over.

I’ve never almost accidentally drown.

What is wrong with peoples risk assessment these days?

Maybe you should have a balance test done. Might be a tumor pushing on something.

BRB going for a bike ride. If I don’t reply I drown.

That's a nice completely uncalled ad hominem

Lots if people get by without knowing how to read too. That doesn't make it a good idea.

Like reading, knowing how to swim can save your life or the life of someone nearby. And swimming is much easier to learn than reading. There's no good reason not to learn to swim if you have access to a pool.

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