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1) Deutsch Bank ruined their rep.

2) talented/skilled workers?

3) They committed energy suicide by removing the nuclear option

4) What?

5) True

6) Seems to be happening all over though, degradation of education

> 2) talented/skilled workers?

In three places: Munich, Hamburg, Berlin. Everywhere else it's pretty difficult to find solid people.

> 4) What?

Haven't you noticed how much of the auto industry know-how moved to China? German auto industry bets on China to grow.

This is a gross misclassification, and both talent and motivation are not geographically constrained in any way. I dont see how you can justify an assertion like that.

Not constraint, yet Audi, a famous Germany automaker can’t build its own EV platform, can’t even use its parent’s platform (VW) and has to resort to buying it from China. That shows how slow and risk adverse the Germany’s car industry has become.


The education system in Germany is totally broken. One selects a path at a very early stage in life. If that goes wrong, it is extremely difficult to switch to another job or education path. Almost every industry requires three to five year education. While in that education, one can work as an Azubi before Ausbildung. The pay as an Azubi is atrocious. Switching industries is really difficult. The country has chronic problems with Handwerker, bakers, doctors, teachers, skilled labor, and so on. This protective education system doesn’t make things easier. It’s almost impossible to earn your title through experience. All of that successfully prevents skilled workers moving between industries.

You know what, on a second thought I agree it is a misclassification. I was commenting from the place where I sit. It depends on the industry. Different talents in different places settling close to the centers relevant to the industry in question. However, across all industries companies struggle to find enough talent.

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