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And this is why Go lang exists... The trade off is screw brilliant engineering just make it simple so other people can build on it easily. Not saying it's my favorite, but it has it's merits long term.

A semantically weak language does not reduce the inherent complexity of a system, as problem complexity is constant.

What Go does is encode solution complexity implicitly throughout a code base. This is the same effect JavaScript often has.

Go isn't my favourite language, but I disagree with that: a language being being simple does wonders to reduce the possibilities of accidental complexity added by complicated features that are unnecessary for the business.

But of course it's still possible to make a mess: I've seen someone who created an ad-hoc object model (with its own structs, plus multiple inheritance and all) on top of Golang and wrote a few apps in that style. But not having the features in the first place can help.

I find Go bizarre... 90% of the code written in it seems to consist of checking for errors and passing them around. And yet, every time I've had to interoperate with somebody's Go code, it falls apart immediately because of significant processing errors that it seems like somebody should've caught, like a null-pointer dereference, or a wrong lookup into a map, or a (de)serialization error.

_Every time_ the programmer responsible seems blissfully unaware of the possibility of said error and I need to provide a test case for them to reproduce it. Their mental model of the code they think they wrote is wrong compared to the actual code.

The culprit is usually something like an `interface{}`, granted, which people then excuse as being un-Go-like... but if all the language's supposed ease and robustness fails as soon as it encounters anything outside of its own ecosystem, then it's not worth much. All the busywork around errors starts to look like a cargo cult to make the juniors feel like they're accomplishing things when they're just glueing things together.

No other language I've seen has it so bad. Rust is particularly good in this area, and seems to view it as its own responsibility to interoperate cleanly, providing sane and powerful ways to opt-in/out of Rust's semantics at the edges. Even TypeScript makes it easy to partially or gradually type when you need to, and this seems much safer in practice to me.

I personally prefer rust over go as well. That said, some rust code is genuinely scary in a way where you do have to wonder if anyone else could maintain it without rewriting it themselves. There's a lot of complexity that although is visible in the syntax is too much for anyone to keep a mental model of - at a certain level of complexity.

Kindly written rust is fine, same goes for a lot of languages. The issue is, sometimes really smart people have no interest in kindness. There are a lot of social factors that go into people writing monstrosities "gotta look smarter!" "Gotta have job security!" "Don't want anyone to call me out on this".

I write dumb code 99 percent of the time. I'll never get promoted for it, but people know exactly what it's doing.

Then why not assembly is the ideal program language? Ad absurdum, that’s the simplest, isn’t it? Each line does something completely trivial.

Abstraction is the only tool we have to even hope to manage complexity. Unfortunately there is no way to force good abstractions, finding out the perfect abstraction is the deal of the art. Maybe I’m wrong on this, but I’m on the elitist view that the industry really shouldn’t try to replace a single senior developer with 10 juniors that monkey patch based on stackoverflow/chatgpt. I don’t even see how that makes financial sense, if one values product quality.

Because, obviously, too little abstraction is as bad as too much abstraction. The way to combat excess is not with more excess.

There are no automated to enforce good abstractions, but languages and tools can serve as a way to shepherd programmers into avoiding or preferring certain patterns. This is an argument as old as the programming language field itself.

For some people Golang strikes a good balance. I'm not one of those people, but I have learned to respect it.

Assembly is a lot harder to write correctly/safely than go lang is. Comparing the two seems disingenuous.

I do agree with you to some extent about not replacing senior engineers. But a "bad" senior engineer who is "too smart" for their own good can do more damage then juniors following a template.

All things in balance for sure.

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