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Hong Kong e-sports player suspended for 3 years for pro-democracy account name (independent.co.uk)
41 points by ksec 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

A key point about the actual word, missing in the linked article, but present in HKFP [1]:

    In a gaming competition with the China team, the Hong Kong player used a name which included the two Chinese characters for “Liberate,” according to the livestream of the competition.
The two Chinese characters for “Liberate” (光復), even though it is part of the pro-democracy slogan “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times” (光復香港,時代革命), only count for a quarter of the characters in the slogan, and could refer to other things as well, such as the “Liberation Road” (光復路), which is also in Guangdong and Shanghai [2].

You can judge whether it is sensitive enough, and if it should be punished to “uphold the fairness of the entire competition and abide by the principles of sportsmanship.” Or, if the punishment itself upholds “the fairness of the entire competition” and abides “by the principles of sportsmanship.”

[1]: https://hongkongfp.com/2023/07/18/hong-kong-e-sport-player-s... "Hong Kong e-sports player suspended from competing for 3 years over ‘sensitive wording’ in ID name"

[2]: https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hant/%E5%85%89%E5%A4%8D%E8%B7%AF "光復路"

The punishment only upholds “the fairness of the entire competition” and “the principles of sportsmanship” if one accepts the perverse CCP definitions of fairness and sportsmanship - Otherwise, it is completely ridiculous to punish someone for using the word Liberate... I am disappointed in the government and the institution - they are failing the people of Hong Kong.

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