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Make Sunsets – Cooling the Earth one reflective cloud at a time (makesunsets.com)
6 points by sebmellen 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Sure whithout immediate and deep CO2 emission cut and (maybe) active removal action SAI will only postpone the main problem, and maybe make it worse...

SAI is deployable in small times, but is guaranteed that the others vital measures are put in action with same rapidity?

And how will affect photosynthesis, and it's CO2 removal action? Acid rain? Deployed in a small amount of time how will perturb atmospheric and sea circulation? CO2 antropogenic perturbation take round 200years (fast at geologic scale), now we input a 1-year scale global perturbation.. I see many unknows...

Co-founder of Make Sunsets here, check out our FAQ which answers all your questions: https://makesunsets.com/pages/faq

Not all but some. The increase of 10% on crops is interesting one, but i'm thinking mainly at the ocean biomass, algae etc.., there are models on this?

SAI can be an option to consider, fast to apply, but maybe the biggest critical question is: how to realize at the same time all the fundamentals actions on co2 reduction and (probably) removal? A scenario i see is: SAI begin and 1deg reduction is reality, an idea begin to circulate: ok we have time, reduction/capure can wait a little more..

Interesting idea, but how do you prevent runaway cooling? Is there no such thing with the compounds they're using?

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