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Cathie Wood’s Ark Writes Down Twitter Stake by 47% (wsj.com)
7 points by dcgudeman 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

She's still pushing the "Elon will turn it into an everything app" angle, and talking about how in the future it'll 10x and what not, which is pure Cathie Woods, but it seems more absurd by the day.

Elon, by his very own admission only a day ago, is currently caught in a catch-22 or a chicken-and-egg situation if you will. He's losing money fast, and the only viable path to revenue is getting ads back. He can't get ads back without significant investment, but he can't do significant investment without ads. No one would risk investing or loaning to Twitter in its current state, either.

And until this catch-22 is resolved, Elon can't innovate. He has no means to turn this into an "everything app". It's barely the app it was. Unless maybe he sells $10 billion more in Tesla stock and throws it down the Twitter drain. And I highly doubt he'd want that, or Woods herself would encourage that. So it's all just empty PR talk not to scare her investors.

Twitter is so lucky that Meta has only 10 developers working on Threads. It means they're not trying. They have thousands of developers on Facebook just tweaking things in the Android app that no one sees. If Zuckerberg gets serious about keeping up velocity on Threads, then Twitter will be left behind in the dust.

Not to mention the other competitors are also not looking bad, BlueSky in particular (over a million users on a closed beta).

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