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Musk admits advertisers haven’t returned to Twitter, ad revenue down 50% (arstechnica.com)
9 points by pseudolus 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

Good things that have happened since Elon Musk acquired twitter:

- The Fediverse has grown tremendously.

- Meta's Threads is on the path to legitimize ActivityPub.

- People are realizing that social media doesn't have to be ad-driven.

- Twitter has become less of a problematic echo chamber, now that a chunk of it's former userbase is gone.

I find some of your conclusions problematic. Elon wanted to make Twitter less ad-driven and is currently nosediving and can't get out of it. And while a small number of users are gone, Twitter now amplifies extremist opinions that make the echo chamber worse, not better.

>Twitter now amplifies extremist opinions that make the echo chamber worse

Did the extremists not migrate to Parler/Truth Social?


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