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Ask HN: Interesting/geeky home decor projects?
9 points by traverseda 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
I hesitate to ask because I worry something like this will attract marketers, but are there any interesting home decor projects you've seen?

I saw a fake nixie clock^1 on hackaday that used OLED modules to pretent to be nixie tubes. I've seen some incredibly expensive newspaper e-ink displays^2

Any interesting home decor projects you're aware of?

1: https://hackaday.com/2023/07/15/these-fake-nixie-tubes-have-a-bootup-screen/#more-604081

2: https://projecteink.com/pages/about

I live near an airport and built a airplane tracker with a flightaware stick to capture and display the planes that are flying over my house at any given time. It looks for ADS-B signals and then matches the callsign against a database of airplane and my local airports schedule. Here is an image of it: https://imgur.com/UwF6tvb

I didn't document my project but there are similar ones out there that don't use the ADS-B signals and instead just use APIs to identify flights. https://blog.colinwaddell.com/flight-tracker/

Basically most maker type decor projects seem to fall into displaying some sort of information on a screen/led matrix/flip board etc.

Raspberry Pi, "Magic Mirrors" were all the rage for awhile. https://www.raspberrypi.com/tutorials/how-to-build-a-super-s...

On the less tech side but still in the same realm, we also have a Klein Bottle from the infamous Cliff Stoll (https://www.kleinbottle.com/) and a Erlenmeyer flask as a flower vase.

Oh, this is exactly what I’m looking for. We live undes a flight path and I want to know when interesting aircraft are taking off/landing.

Pixel art display, lava/plasma lamp, LED cube, RGB light panel, pcb art, repurposed technology...

Magic mirror: a display behind a one way mirror. There are a million of these on the internet and they are quote cool when executed well.

My smart lamp lights up at 6PM with a purple light and this helps my children fall asleep. Also a smart water heater is a must.

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