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What is a casual or nontechnical poweruser to do if the user wants to use LLM for work or education , without worry of the many points you mention?

Simple. Just stop worrying them. They're non-issues for average "casual or nontechnical powerusers".

Nah. Give it 10 years and it'll be the Robinhood fiasco all over again.

Instead of anticipated trades, all these nontechnical power users with novel ideas will make the mistake of telling them to an AI-- and had their ideas stolen and rushed to market by whoever paid for access to mine the logs companies told us they weren't collecting.

We already don't trust cloud providers not to spy on our infrastructure. There is little consequence in lying to us. AI will bring us IP theft at scale.

Don't discuss anything sensitive or groundbreaking with cloud LLMs. No Google Collab, no OpenAI, nothing.

Make do with a local LLM in the form of a Vicuna 13/30B GGML. And even there, you have to watch out for backdoors in Gradio/posthog or weird models that insist on you enabling remote code execution. This domain is unbelievably shady and I can only assume it's because of the low-level access it provides to our collective stream of consciousness.

This is going to turn out to be bad news long term. Don't trust cloud LLMs.

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