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Senators move to require release of US Government UFO records (reuters.com)
23 points by frede 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Moving into mainstream, a good thing, will allow more and more scientists to take a look at this stuff, without being afraid of ruining their careers. Sad but true, that this was what happened for decades, the pressure was immense, virtually nobody was willing to discuss this seriously

Anyone else just so sick of this crap?

I am over 40 yrs old and having fallen for this junk in the past I am just done.

I want to believe but at this point I am more than suspicious of the UFO media complex.

I would love to be proven incorrect.

Obligatory link to https://www.metabunk.org/

This is probably more of a case of Washington insiders realizing they were passing chances at corruption.

Essentially Skunkworks style projects of other countries' left out of their hands for trading favors over access, and/in insider trading over knowing who's getting access.

So in that case, the senators here are trying to make public the most classified of information because they want to believe in little green men?

Or do you mean that their “constituents” didn’t get access to this info so make it public?

It's not little green men. It's access to other countries crashed tech, and analysis of that crashed tech. Even if it's not for reverse engineering, the capability analysis is still a nice payday for a well connected enough company.

The big deal is where those connections would be required/maintained after such a bill (a special committee in congress, vs. three letter agency insiders).

-- Make yourself familiar with the latest developments [0], such that you have something concrete to relate to.

-- If you are ready to dive deeper i recommended the books of David M. Jacobs [1]. Read his three books in order. If you are in a hurry, read only the latest book. Be prepared for a surprise.

-- I also like Dr. Steven Greer [2]. Some argue that he is a bit overconfident, but overall he is excellent.

[0] https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1475yy0/here_is_a_cle... [1] https://www.davidmichaeljacobs.com/books/ [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDY7t6HihCw

I really don’t understand this take by people that plausibly believe any of this is aliens. Occam’s razor isn’t on the side of aliens. The universe is huge. Even assuming an FTL mode of transportation were possible, why would a species capable of FTL bother visiting Earth? And why would these visits suddenly start in the 50s? And despite many many pieces of recording technology from radio telescopes, space telescopes, radar, amateur telescopes with recording capabilities, and high def digital photography in every hand, there’s not really any compelling evidence that couldn’t have simpler explanations.

Aliens always seemed like a clandestine psyops and it’s interesting to me it’s been resurrected. Or it’s like flat earth bullshit. US citizens do seem particularly prone to wood conspiracy theories.

Well what the people involved in this discussion with Congress are saying is that it's more likely this phenomenon was already present on Earth, if you read the statements that people have made so far they are just saying "non human intelligence/technology" and steering clear from saying it's from another planet.

I feel it's going to be prudent to sit back and wait until this runs it's course over the next few weeks before declaring what's happening here, because I haven't seen anyone that's picked any holes in this whistleblowers credentials yet, the bill submitted to Congress makes mention of "credible evidence", and they seem to have gone to great lengths to get the legal side of things in order so that no one gets sued. It may just be that Occam's razor won't stand up in this situation, because be it aliens or a giant psyop, none of it feels like a simple explanation for anything.

I'm also quite skeptical, BUT there are some plausible-ish answers to your questions:

> why would a species capable of FTL bother visiting Earth?

One possibility is that intelligent life on earth is artificial, so the "creators" continue to observe us. This is _kinda_ related to the simulation hypothesis as well, but needn't require we be an actual computer-generated simulation. If intelligent life can eventually develop the technology to create more intelligent life from more primitive life forms (or to create new life itself) - wouldn't it be possible that _most_ intelligent life in the universe is artificial in origin?

> And why would these visits suddenly start in the 50s?

One answer is we just started paying more attention in a more structured way in the 50s due to the cold war.

But another way to look at it: Imagine that the galaxy/universe is actually _full_ of advanced spacefaring civilizations, Star Trek-style. What would make them take notice of "primitive" intelligent life? Perhaps nuclear weapons. It isn't that crazy to think (if NHI exists) that the Trinity test, the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombings and then early thermonuclear testing arms race put us on the galactic map, so to speak (for whatever purpose).

> And despite many many pieces of recording technology from radio telescopes, space telescopes, radar, amateur telescopes with recording capabilities, and high def digital photography in every hand, there’s not really any compelling evidence that couldn’t have simpler explanations.

Consider that the three _most_ credible UAP recordings come from the Navy - taken by fighter pilots over the open ocean, operating from aircraft carriers. Perhaps the vast majority of these UAP phenomena actually do occur at high altitudes over the ocean (for an unknown reason). That would put the US Navy in the best spot of anyone to capture footage, and make it very hard for anyone else to do so. Even commercial aircraft lack gimbals or FLIR cameras that would be needed to capture these extremely fast-moving objects with strange energy signatures. (Note: I in no way think those videos _alone_ are anywhere close to proof of NHI. Just that they are indeed unexplained so far, but that doesn't mean the explanation must be aliens.)

Again - I'm a skeptic like you but at least _some_ of the oddities aren't necessarily so odd. I think a larger problem is "crash retrieval programs": Are we really meant to believe that these interstellar lifeforms with FTL travel and gravity-warping spacecraft routinely crash on the surface of the earth and don't even bother to come back and collect their wrecks? That one doesn't add up. The only possible explanation (besides that they want to be found - but what a weird way to go about it) is that they actually have tens of thousands of crafts making millions of visits, resulting in a few accidents as any technology would. But that makes the dearth of physical evidence even more starkly problematic.

Odd that we don't see these kinds of alien secrets being kept under wraps by governments of Europe. I guess aliens are quite picky what part of the planet they want to be accidentally seen. /s

High ranking government official or experienced pilot does not give you any more klout than the average human which may not always be able to tell the difference between a bird or an alien space craft that they are seeing on a radar image.

IMO, this is being exploited to get more money flowing to the space force. That's it.

Europeans are used to not being listened to. They believe in angels and divinity making a spectacle phenomenon. How these correlate over time is curious. Lots of old tales from shepherds seeing objects hovering in the sky.

When I was in Italy (teenager) I saw three light points make a synchronous ascent from a farm field covered area five k way.

When I had a trippy dream I saw them in tanks. Rows and rows of tanks. They were showing me how America kept their broods in tanks. They live in their embryonic sac usually, so that part was fine.

You mean we don't see these kinds of alien secrets EXPOSED by governments of Europe!

Years ago, I remember reading a suggestion that when the government needed to release information about alien life, they would start by "leaking" hints to gradually acclimatize people to the idea.

I now wish I hadn't seen that, as it makes it really hard to dismiss this topic when it starts to appear all over the sites I regularly browse.

Just remember that the technology to travel across interstellar space safely is much more demanding than the technology required not to crash into the planet or avoid being seen by cameras that are always inexplicably taking photos or videos that are 10+ years out of date compared to what the average consumer has available to them.

Also a lack of multiple angles on just about every single photo/video, too, despite everyone having cameras in their phones now for two decades.

There are a couple of explanations for crashed vehicles, I'll ignore any videos here:

- could be Von Neumann-style probes that don't care about collisions

- could be willingly "crashed" to speed development up

- could have been attacked by other species to prevent intervention

- could be inexperienced (e.g. young) pilots

I'd 100% assume that any kind of FTL vehicle also has some kind of cloaking functionality, so I wouldn't trust any photos or videos without a lot of further evidence. Just wanted to mention possible reasons - it's not 0% possible, more like 0.000[some more zeros]001%.

Also, the fact that these observations are overwhelmingly made in the US, as if aliens only care about 1 continent.

Well clearly we're just so great

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