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Looking for Founding Team member for Gen-AI in higher education startup
3 points by homar on July 15, 2023 | hide | past | favorite
Hi, I'm working on a startup that is like ChatGPT but for students, embedded specifically with their class data. This way they only get answers specific to their class material. A good example for this is a freshman taking a Biology class asking the chatbot a question on cells expects a pretty different answer to a PHD student asking the same question. To do this, I use the api's provided by the Learning Management System Universities use like Canvas. This is not perfect since the api's don't give access to all of a students class data and so you'd need to work with Universities to ask Canvas or other LMS providers to provide all of the necessary data.

I'm scheduled to meet with a University very soon to get their thoughts on if they think this is a useful tool, how they're thinking about AI since ChatGPT changed the education landscape pretty significantly. The sell is to give them features like the ability for Professors to monitor student queries, as well as limiting certain questions that may be on Homeworks to stop cheating. These are all just what I think the most useful product would look like but I'm sure my conversation with the universities should tell me a lot more about what they're looking for.

With all that being said, I have a pretty rudimentary prototype that I will be showing them to help them understand what the product would look like if they would like to move forward with a pilot program. And so I'm looking for someone who's interested in this idea to help on the technical side. If all goes well, there will need to be significant changes made and features added to the current product. The current tech stack is Nextjs on the frontend, Python backend, gpt-3.5-turbo, pinecone vector db. I'd like to use prisma and planetscale for db but those are not a must.

Let me know if this seems interesting to you. And I'm currently in SF.

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