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Ohhh, I think one of the OS-integration features was that you could invoke an instance of the OS's web component, is that what you mean? AIR itself didn't do anything with html/js but you could render web content at runtime via the OS component.

Just looked back at some docs now, thanks. The things you forget in ten years..

Yeah, same! I didn't remember that it had been a wrapper (to be honest I have very little memory of -how- we did it), but I suppose it makes sense. TweetDeck was Adobe AIR too at the time, no?

Yeah, I'm almost sure there was no html renderer or JS engine in AIR, but you could have pure html apps with no flash in the source now that I think back. TweetDeck was I'm sure, and one other high-profile AIR desktop app was the launcher/lobby app for League of Legends.

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