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Why haven’t internet creators become superstars? (culture.ghost.io)
3 points by edandersen 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

You can add to the list, inability to connect with their audience. Most online stars are famous for one thing that they do over and over in different forms. It's fun to see but most people watch for the one thing rather than the person.

Actors, on the other hand, connect with people, their job is to connect with people by acting a role to the point that you believe that's who they are. They in essence, become a one way friend. You believe you know them but they have no clue who you are. They "get you." You can say the same with famous singers. Every time they sing your favorite song they make you feel something. Look at Taylor Swift. People love her because her songs have an emotional impact on them. It's something a quick video doesn't do.

Why arn't the vast majority of people as popular as the people who were on Seinfeld?

I can't even tell you which is which, all I know is one of them had an extremely racist rant in public and seemingly no one cared at the end of it all, despite being probably the most vitriolic rant I've heard

> In the mid-1970s, the Sex Pistols only took two years to move up from squalid London squats to the top of the British pop charts.

Because they were put there, There isn't any signing like there is with music, where if you don't get signed, you never get played, if you get signed, then you get played, binary aspect of success. Hence why after a certain point, there isn't like, people who could have made it but didn't.

Because TV, Hollywood, Oscars and Grammies are increasingly irrelevant for middle-aged people, and their ratings are lower than some internet creators.

But internet creators don't have advetisting budgets on the scale Hollywood has, nor do the middle aged critics, reporters, and media pundits connect to them. So their go with what they know at the "Met Gala", the increasingly irrelevant movie and tv stars.

ol’ Vint Cerf has tried for years.

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