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I can't believe I'm linking pensapedia on hacker news, but this wouldn't be the first time a drug ring in a beloved restaurant was exposed in the county which I grew up.

Presenting Cancun Mexican Restaurant in Gulf Breeze, within walking distance of the high school I went to.


A pizza place near me in a very nice area of St Paul MN was busted for being a drug front... I always thought it was weird that no one seemed to actually go there. From the look of the place you could kinda tell they were probably just cooking frozen pizzas if anyone did go there. I always suspected something was off.

Turns out I was 100% correct, I have great drug-front-radar, it is at the top of my resume.

Happens fairly often, it seems. My favorite pizza place growing up (they had the terminator 2 light gun arcade game!) got busted for dealing out of the back and closed down as a result.

I don't think they ever cross contaminated a pie and got customers high, though.

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