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“Go Woke Go Broke Act” (congress.gov)
14 points by yakorevivan 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Once again reminds me how no matter how many times people tell me "yoU HaVE to IgnoRE tHE RACiSM beCAUsE THey haVe goOD EcONOmic polICIES", that I will never put a checkmark next to anyone's name in any ballot that has an [R].

There is no monetary benefit that would ever make me cross that line.

The only people who believe conservatives have good economic policies are the billionaires and grifters who benefit from them.

So much for all that 'get government out of business' rhetoric.

Not from the us, what was its role?

To intercede in economic policy that unduly negatively impacts minorities. Ensuring access to credit, banking, housing, and other basic economic factors that prevent the accumulation of wealth for minorities.

Things like: https://massbudget.org/2021/08/06/a-history-of-racist-federa... producing studies and resources like https://www.minneapolisfed.org/policy/racism-and-the-economy...

To reverse the racist and ideological policies of “equity,” which is a codeword for reverse discrimination. It enshrines sound and meritocratic economic policy, as opposed to diversity quotas and the gerrymandering of org charts to favour some racial groups at the expense of others. This act is a step forward.

Let’s stop “fixing” perceived structural racism by installing actual structural racism.

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