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I just feel any finite time that we get to live would feel the same way. Even if we were to enjoy a longer youth with perfect health, we would have lifestyles, actions and culture adjusted for that finite amount of time, robbing us of the intended benefits that we purportedly could enjoy. In a way I tend to think, death is what defines a life. Death makes life meaningful, joyous and liveable. With the finality of death removed there is no such thing as life.

Strongly agree. I don't understand the people who support technology to enable us to live forever. If they could somehow experience such a life in a vision I think they would understand what you're saying. Immortality sounds nice on paper but people don't remain constant. Perhaps they understand that deep down but are so afraid of death? For such a frequent occurrence it should be more normalized in culture, not like a TV show but as something real.

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