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Because we know, and have known, murder is illegal, and is illegal under a criminal statute.

PFAS wern't always known to be bad, and even after knowing chances are everyone reading this has some in their blood -- and most of you are doing just fine. Maybe 0.01% crappier than if you didn't have it in you, but it's a far cry from getting stabbed to death by a hired goon.

It’s a tricky legal ground. Companies DO make decisions which they know will kill people. Sometimes, they downplay the risks in less than ethical ways- sometimes they actively cover up the risks/reality.

I don’t think that it is so far fetched that a corporation should be held criminally liable, and that executives should be criminally liable when they discover one of these risks and do not accurately disclose it and mitigate the risk.

It doesn’t strike me as intrinsically different to hit an LLC provided that the company knew about the impact of PFAS.

Yeah I don't get why people think holding LLC's and top ranking execs liable is problematic. If you work for an LLC and hold any sort of professional license you are held liable, but the executives who make all the policy decisions around you are not, even if the issue you are held liable for is really their fault.

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