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Have fun troubleshooting that. Also, iirc Java just got this in Java 8. Far behind .NET, as usual ;)

I worked on a big Java project where we had to do a lot of list/collection wrangling like that. I found that code using combinator chain/list comprehensions/Streams/LINQ/etc. was significantly less error prone than code with hand-written loops. And that was in a team mostly staffed with junior engineers :)

I am not saying use it instead of loops, I am saying don't chain the filters/maps/whatever endlessly. Even if only for the sake of being able to add breakpoints like the other commenter said.

Also my experience.

The only issue is that it's a bit annoying with breakpoints sometimes.

>> Java just got this in Java 8

"just" in this case means as of March 2014.

Well I picked Java as an example specifically because it is a pedestrian "getting things done" language. I don't do much Windows development.

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