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Vectorhub: Share some GPT embeddings with others (github.com/guangzhengli)
1 point by guangzhengli 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I created an open source project that is an embedding chat-bot based on OpenAI/Embedding/LangChain.

Here, you can create embeddings by uploading files or entering the URL of a webpage and share them with others to use.

This project inspired by my open source project [ChatFiles])(https://github.com/guangzhengli/ChatFiles), I open-sourced this project back in April, and for a long time, my database contained various data embeddings.

I realized that these embeddings could be shared with each other and provide new inspiration on how to use them. Currently, this project still requires the input of a personal OpenAI Key to use.

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