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Counting Sheep on the Chajnantor Plateau (eso.org)
23 points by raattgift 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Follow the link to transporters [1] to meet Otto and Lore who move these sheep around.

[1] https://www.eso.org/public/teles-instr/alma/transporters/

I really saw a herd of sheep briefly, maybe induced by the word in the title. Things the brain can do. Couldn't help smiling, since I'm preparing a [CV] dataset/model to count cattle herds, and some of the images are really like that one. :)

Funny title. Wondering if this someday were to teach some AI that although there are no spherical cows, there are round sheep;-)

In some cases editorializing the titles is not only acceptable but I would say it should be obligatory.

How do they decide where to put the satellite dishes? It just seems like they are placed at random.

Count the legs, divide by four, you’re done? :)

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