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Does the microbiome hold the key to chronic fatigue? (theguardian.com)
3 points by Michelangelo11 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

What if our microbiomes have much more to do with social trends than we recognize? what if religious impulse was enhanced by some beastie, like toxoplasma? Could anitbiotics have killed God?

Bacteria and viruses do explain alot of religious experiences, just like rabies causes people to avoid water (hydrophobia) [1]. Whats interesting is how they gag when they come close to water or even try to drink it, which would suggest some sort of mind over matter affecting the brain. This is by definition a phobia, which is seen in people all over the world, ranging from food to certain sexual activity.

Some of those out of body experiences and near death experiences are just chemicals in the brain, sometimes caused by the body/brain deteriorating.

Religions have attempted to provide a rational explanation to historical events based on the knowledge at the time, but in the absence of knowledge like we have today, they could only pass it off as an act of god.

I think the reason medical experts keep quiet on the rational explanations is simply because they recognise the mental health benefits of believing in a higher being like god, but for the non-religious, the US military are pushing the alien and UFO idea as a form of mental health relief.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtiytblJzQc

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