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Which is also the case for post delivery abortions, and they cannot understand why there is such a difference in opposition between the two

What the actual fuck is a "post delivery abortion"?

It’s possible to deliver at 28 weeks, use your imagination.

Stop using innuendo and say what you mean. It really helps with getting your point across.

What I am assuming you mean is that doctors in the USA are killing live babies post delivery because the mother doesn't want them. That is infanticide. It is illegal. Full stop. And it is not happening at any sort or rate worth mentioning. The only place it happens is in the fever dreams of right-wing politicians who want to scare up support to ban abortion and the rubes who believe them. It is a lie designed to get people to react with disgust to something that isn't happening so that they can be manipulated into supporting conservative causes.

Killing after it's left the womb.

That's not an abortion; it's infanticide. Words have meaning. Use them correctly.

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