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> The thing is nobody seems willing to let the system actually do anything except escalate to a person, so why bother?

Because you are not the target user for the bot. For every user that proactively reads the FAQs, there's 10 more that don't and would happily open a support ticket to have someone copy/paste the FAQ answer to them. The bot is to there deflect those cases.

I don't think this is true, because if it were true, people would want chatbots. The last thing most people want to do is to call or open a chat with customer service, and they've usually looked through everything they can find to avoid it.

One of the reasons some chatbots, like at Amazon, could be useful is because their FAQs are impossible to find.

"People" aren't the ones deploying chatbots, companies are, because they successfully deflect cases.

If you think most people have done everything to avoid reaching out to support, I can only imagine you haven't worked in a "Tier 1" support role.

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