I was surprised to read an article on DDG in a mainstream (albeit liberal) german newspaper "Die Zeit". It's getting press.
At the same time, I've tried http://www.hotbot.com again (last time I tried it perhaps 10 years ago) and I was quite pleased with the search results. So yes, there definitely is a world outside of Google. And it's working well.
But who else has GMail, Documents, Maps, Cache, Translate.. that's a major advantage for the #1.
The answer is, you wouldn't if you're concerned about privacy. DDG delivers decent enough results and part of their philosophy is that they claim not to track users.
At the same time, I've tried http://www.hotbot.com again (last time I tried it perhaps 10 years ago) and I was quite pleased with the search results. So yes, there definitely is a world outside of Google. And it's working well.
But who else has GMail, Documents, Maps, Cache, Translate.. that's a major advantage for the #1.