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> It really just depends on what you mean by non-blocking I/O.

> Most node code I see in the wild is just a simple `await loadData()` which doesn't block the main node thread but does block that code flow until the data returns.

Agreed. Higher level languages tend to discourage or outright decide not to expose asynchronous I/O. Instead, they optimize blocking I/O within their own runtime - skipping the higher resource needs for the system schedule and thread representation.

If I am writing a web server in C or C++, I'm likely writing asynchronous I/O directly. I may also decide to use custom memory strategies, such as pooling allocators.

If I write one in classic Java, I'm allocating two threads to represent input and output for each active connection, and hoping the JVM knows how to make that mass of threads efficient. In Go, I'm likely using a lot of goroutines and again hoping the language runtime/standard library figured out how to make that efficient.

Java packages like NIO/Netty and Go packages like gaio are what expose asynchronous programming to the developer.

The footgun is that it is hard to use an asynchronous I/O package when you have a deep dependency tree that may contain blocking code, perhaps in some third party package. This was one of the attractions to server-side javascript; other than a few local filesystem operations, everything sticks to the same concurrency model (even if they may interact with it as callbacks, promises or async/await)

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