A while ago I discovered three.js, a JavaScript library to manipulate 3D objects. It looked really interesting, but I had no real need for it...
To change that I recently challenged myself to make one 3D web game per month with three.js. And I just release game #2, a puzzle game called Cuboid, and you can try it here: https://www.thomasfriday.com/cuboid/
Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback. Thanks!
I think it desperately needs an undo on death, and ideally should have player-triggerable undo/restart.
Given the rest of the game, I was a bit dismayed at the end seeing that it had basically been a scored playthrough. If I'd known the moves were being counted, I would have played better! This won't apply to everyone, but there is a subset of players (like me) who really like knowing what to optimize for, so having a hidden scoring system be sprung on the player at the end is a bit of a betrayal.
+1 on the arrow direction vs. movement direction mapping being a problem on keyboard. 95% of the time I was in a flow state and it wasn't an issue, but if I made a mistake I'd immediately lose faith in having the right mapping, start second-guessing myself, and make follow-up mistakes.