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https://yannesposito.com (or its clone https://her.esy.fun)

I blog about functional programming (haskell, clojure), but also emacs org-mode, thing like these. I sometimes tell myself I should invest more time to write down more about my thoughts there.

I am happy to be part of the 512kb club.

Here are a few posts that were somehow popular:

- https://her.esy.fun/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/

- https://her.esy.fun/Scratch/en/blog/Haskell-the-Hard-Way/ (updated by https://her.esy.fun/posts/0010-Haskell-Now/index.html )

- https://her.esy.fun/Scratch/en/blog/Yesod-tutorial-for-newbi...

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