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I dont think so as Kate Middleton future Queen of England found out.

******Warning****** NSFW pictures of the future Queen of England at this URL --> https://theoutsidersadi.wordpress.com/2012/09/14/click-here-...

The (UK) press get around the law, by reporting a story and then relying on the reader using search engines to get the information from other jurisdictions like I have just done here, located in UK, EU google servers, and where ever the wordpress server is located.

It kind of makes me think, what is the point of law?

You need a lot of money to fight these entities and fight them in multiple jurisdictions where relevant laws exist.

What also makes a mockery of the legal system at least the Royal lawyers is, whilst Kate Middleton has some injunction to block press publication in the UK, they cant stop the search engines from publishing the data to users in the UK, as I have just demonstrated with the link above and the search term "kate topless holiday photo" and then clicking the images option!

Now what if I meant "kate beckinsale topless photo" instead of "kate topless photo"? I just got someone elses topless photos without even expecting them, ie the future Queen of England.

Are the Royal lawyers from the stone age, do they not understand search engines or do they buy the targeted filter bubble narrative highlighted by Eli Parsier in his Ted talk?

I like German privacy, they even stood up to Google and the Streetview project, however Google have edited me from their Streetview images where I'm giving their car the bird as it drove past me so there is some human oversight, but they still have that data and refuse to hand it over via GDPR DSAR requests.

To many big entities including the Police, fulfil GDPR DSAR requests by relying on being able to identify the individual using todays existing systems.

If someone cant be identified, like my giving the Google Streetview car the bird in their streetview data, Google will say no data exists.

Yet GDPR law doesnt address developing and future technology which will be able to identify me giving the Google Streetview car the bird if they run facial recognition over their streetview data.

So the GDPR DSAR is useless law as is, although I havent read it, but I suspect Google's privacy policy is as well.

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