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> broadcasting a movie or a song through to the public make it public good

Movies and songs are copyrighted and can’t be rebroadcast or copied without license. But viewing is perfectly legal and does not require a license.

And you can certainly start a DVD-renting business without a license from copyright holders (assuming you bought the DVD). You can’t start a dvd streaming business without a license.

> Movies and songs are copyrighted and can’t be rebroadcast or copied without license. But viewing is perfectly legal and does not require a license.

That's exactly the point: “publishing” something only gives you some limited rights (an in certain jurisdictions like mine, most of these rights are limited to individuals only, and organizations are excluded).

> And you can certainly start a DVD-renting business without a license from copyright holders (assuming you bought the DVD)

Not in my country, again.

What country are you in? It sounds unusual that you can’t sell property that you’ve bought (a DVD).

Publishing are rights for the publisher, not the viewer. As a viewer, I can view the material and don’t have restrictions on whether I can remember it or not (ie, run it through an algorithm to train a model as part of the viewing).

> What country are you in? It sounds unusual that you can’t sell property that you’ve bought (a DVD).

France. You can re-sell the DVD all you want, but you cannot lend them for money (because it means sharing the copyrighted material) without permission.

> As a viewer, I can view the material and don’t have restrictions on whether I can remember it or not

In m'y country you even have legal right to record it (=run it through an algorithm that “trains a model”, be it an overfitted one) for your own use, if you're an individual but not an organisation. And even for an individual, you can remember every lines of the movie, but if you make a new one with the same dialogues, then it's plagiarism.

Making something public (aka: publishing it) doesn't mean giving up all rights on it.

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