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True but there's still the issue that you won't see objects of certain colors when illuminated by sodium lamps. That could be a traffic hazard. With full spectrum light that's only the case for full black objects.

Colour rendering doesn't have to be perfect for this use but having full spectrum coverage does have its advantages.

Metal halide (MH) bulbs have been used for a long time now in street lighting, low-pressure sodium vapor (LPS) was just one of the first applications of the technology. Metal halide has a much whiter/bluer light and covers more of the spectrum than LPS.

I do believe though, that LEDs for such industrial applications don't or shouldn't suffer the same issues as the little LED bulbs we buy for the home, due to better QC and construction.

It's a very rare object that reflects nothing in the yellow-orange of sodium lamps. You'll just see a kind of black and white (except in yellow) version of the object.

Also, they have high pressure sodium bulbs that widen the color, and then I don't think there are any objects you won't see.

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