Proper IDEs will set up a lot of the "new project" boilerplate for you, wire up compilers, linters, etc...
People still using text editors like EMACS or VI need to do this themselves, often through some random mish-mash of unique and special text templates, scripts, and copy-pasting from previous projects.
Then unironically they'll proudly proclaim to be productive because of all the tooling they've successfully set up over many days of effort.
The boilerplate is nice for “a vue project” but it starts to fail when you want “a vue+ts project that includes our internal components library, auth, terraform, uses tailwind, etc.” It doesn’t take long to set this up by hand, but automating it makes it less prone to human error - which would be harder to catch in CR because the changes will typically be massive.
But if you CR the Yeoman generator, every project’s initial commit can start from a known-good state since all you need to do is provide it the project name and location.