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Ask HN: Has anybody else noticed DNSimple's new plans? (dnsimple.com)
2 points by nfredericks 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Depending on how many zones you have, prices have either gone up or gone down. I have 4 zones on my account and if I switch to the new Solo plan, I will be paying $2 extra per month for the same service.

CEO of DNSimple here. We have indeed rolled out new plans for new customers. Anyone on an existing plan will be able to keep there current plan for now, although we will likely migrate everyone to the new plan sets within 12 to 18 months from now.

Our goal with the DNS zone pricing is to bring it in line with what folks are paying for similar service at the major cloud providers. When it comes to authoritative DNS, our operational environment has changed for us in the last couple of years, and what was once a reasonable fixed price is no longer. We're paying for DDoS defense by query volume, and as such we need to move towards a pricing model that covers that. By making the pricing the same across all of our plans, we can also focus on making our DNS better for everyone, not just for our higher tier plans.

Hopefully this helps clarify a bit on why we are introducing new plans. We still have a few more changes to make before the year is out, which is one of the reasons why we have not introduced any timeline for phasing out our old plans, allowing customers who are on them to continue with their current pricing for the time being.

Feel free to reach out to support at dnsimple dot com if you have any other questions, we're happy to answer.

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