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Unfortunately that would mean doxxing myself. But its largely a somewhat complex CRUD app with a user dashboard. The stac is nextjs, tailwind, and nodejs, express on the backend.

Did you use templates for the dashboard or just GPT, any complex prompting resources?

I built most off my UI off of FlowBite (which is a tailwind UI library). Did not need to use complex prompting resources, though I would sometimes switch between Phind and chatGPT-4 to get a better answer.

I think it works because its not a very complex app and since it's gated with a sufficiently high entry, I don't expect a ton of traffic, hence scaling is not an issue. I also chose the easiest options to deploy (Vercel for the frontned, Heroku for the backend), which might end up costing me in the long run - but I figure I'll get that fixed later

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