I read this comment earlier today, and my thoughts have returned to it through the day. It is an extremely bigoted comment, that prompted further bigoted comments below it. I'm not asking for it to be removed or censored but I have come back to express just how revoltingly bigoted it is, and I think the commenter should reflect on how they got to the mindset that produces statements like this one.
> In Eastern Germany the underlying neuroticism, persecution complex, and willingness to believe in every conspiracy theory, things that were foundational for the rise of Nazism, is very much still alive.
The grandparent (quoted above) is generalising a population as having these negative aspects and suggesting that support for the AfD is only due to these reasons. It is a form of shallow dismissal based on bigotry. It doesn't seek to understand the population and properly why support for the AfD is rising. It's much easier (for the bigot) to write off people as having entrenched negative characteristics.
And I wouldn't normally say this but if you have a browse through the grandparent's comment history, the majority of their comments are of this ilk, including one comment about 2 months back that they received a warning from dang for.