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Show HN: Eddie – A Smart Video Editor with Python [Seeking Feedback] (github.com/zoedekraker)
8 points by zoe_dk on July 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
Eddie the Smart Video Editor is a Python script that automates the process of editing videos based on specific code-words you say while recording the video.

It takes a video file, converts it into an audio file, transcribes the audio to text using OpenAI's Whisper API and identifies segments between specified code-words. It then cuts out these segments from the original video, removes any silence and produces a new edited video file ready for the final touches. False recording starts are also okay as it only matches the last occurrence of the 'start' code-word when the next code-word is the 'end' code-word.

I wanted to jump into the far deepest of deep ends and ask for feedback please.

I am kind of scared of you all tbh but I value learning more than crapping my pants.

Thank you.

Interesting project, but why not cut/edit segment via UI? Another option is to display the transcribed text, allow the users to delete the text (words or a sentence). Get the get cut out times based on the deleted text.

I have version 2 with a GUI i am just putting finishes touches on if that is helpful? Just using Tkinter so nothing earth shattering but then are able to turn some options on/off, select files etc easier.

I have also added a version with a GUI to the repo.

this is an interesting project. curious what made you want to build it?

No idea to be honest.

I was massaging my calf with a gun last week thinking about how wonderful it will be to go to bed…then my brain said "We could automate video editing with A.I". 2 hours later(not asleep) and 10 pages of brain dumping written down - this is project 1 of 2 I’m doing, apparently.

I mean it’s handy for sure, I do terrible videos just editing in Shotcut that require a lot of takes to record because I suck, but mostly I wanted to share it in case anyone finds it useful and I can contribute a bit. (And get demolished with feedback to help improve.)

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