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Show HN: Cerelyze: Implement research papers into code 100x faster(Desktop only) (cerelyze.com)
17 points by quantumdreamer on July 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments
A tool for engineers and academics to understand and implement research papers faster. Does NOT work on mobile.

ngrok.io url does not spark confidence, this seems to just be a openai frontend also the "arxiv.org" restriction is only applied on frontend so it'll gladly go download any file (I tried with a 1gb file and it seems like it might've broke the entire thing since it keeps throwing Internal Server Error).

noted! working to move away from ngrok soon!

You could use https://zrok.io/, an open source ngrok alternative. You can self-host and use your own domain.

Or take a custom domain with ngrok?

This looks pretty interesting! But the landing page has only one sentence : Understand and implement research papers faster, followed by a get in touch button. Care to extrapolate more? The blog button doesn't work as well?

Thanks for checking it out. We are trying to build a system for engineers, researchers, academics, basically anyone who has to implement cutting research into computer code for their product. Usually the process of finding the right paper, and then understanding it, and then implementing it in computer code is very time consuming, and our hypothesis is that we can reduce that time drastically by using large language models. We are still very early and exploring the right problem-solution fit and feedback from early testers like you is extremely valuable! so thanks for reaching out! join our discord! :)

What does it exactly do? I opened an AI paper and wrote - implement: blockchain network. It gave me some generic toy blockchain code.

Is it usually supposed to take the paper as context and the generate code?

you are correct, its supposed to generate code for things that are discussed in the paper. the app starts with an example paper, but you can give it any arxiv link. it works best when the task you tell it to implement is actually discussed in the paper, or else it will hallucinate random things. its no where near good as of now but we are constantly improving it

I tried. It didn’t generate any code. It felt as though I got a reply back from ChatGPT.

hmm that's weird. did you make sure that you typed "implement: <task>" ? it has to be in that exact format for it to generate code. we're gonna make this experience much better soon

I thought show HNs were intended for when you have something to show, not just a “get in touch” button? What can I try without signing up?

hey you can click on the try beta button in top right corner. it only works on desktop!

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