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> SOAP had serious technical shortcomings, but, as a market strategy, it was a masterstroke.

Wrong. SOAP descended quickly into the "whatever happened to" category. Like CORBA. I'm happy to say I threw out SOAP and used REST instead at Google, in practically my first act there:


The Internet had no time for multi-company, political garbage like SOAP and CORBA.

Why are you taking the sentence out of context to change its meaning? TFA says it was a good business move by Microsoft for Microsoft because it fragmented the competition which had been consolidating around CORBA. What happened to it afterwards is irrelevant.

Because what happened to it afterwards is NOT irrelevant.

Just like CORBA sounded great in the press releases, but went nowhere in practice. Which is what this article is about.

It's irrelevant to calling it a masterstroke market strategy, which is what the sentence you quoted is about.

Anyone can write a great press release. I think the B-schools have classes on that.

You're all over the place. Nobody said it was difficult.

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