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I think it was a long time ago now, back when Google stopped improving their core service (search) to help profits through a better service than the rest and no longer "breaking markets" like introducing Gmail with seemingly infinite storage at the time... (another service that has stalled) And now instead rather going for squeezing out profits by keeping people on their sites and selling their data.

But maybe it was just a realization of what was more profitable? R&D becomes exponentially more expensive the more advanced search you try to provide, but any random weird company will be interested in user data for marketing.

> seemingly infinite storage

Just a little anecdote: I have subscribed to a lot of newsletters about some FOSS projects I like. I use to never read those letters and now I have reached the limit. Now I can not delete those newsletters without deleting everything because I can not mark more than few tens of those letters at once while having few millions of them.

I think this should work, no?

if you labeled them or create a search that is specific to them ( perhaps from:mailing-list@address ):

there is a checkbox above the email listing. clicking it selects everything on the current page.

instead of clicking that, click the arrow next to it. a variety of selection options appears.

select "all"

a banner then appears that says you've selected everything on the current screen, and offesr to select everything that matches it in your account

click the offer to select all matching items

you can then issue a mass move or mass label or mass delete or whatever

I haven't tested this (I'm not purging my own mailing lists to try it :) ) and a selection mistake would be costly, but it appears to be correct.

That sounds excruciating. If possible, I suggest using email-to-RSS to solve that problem in the future.

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