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And if you're gay and the interviewer is a homophobe you won't get the job. It's a matter of risk management.

Or homeless and the interviewer is a homelessphobe. Trying to be additive to the sentiment, not take anything away.

I've stopped interviewing for corporate jobs until I can get my money up. Probably an easier hurdle to overcome in some ways, since I can pay my homeless away with temp jobs and have a clear path to acceptance: nice shoes and clothes, reliable phone service, a presentable and quiet place for video calls.

There is a real cost to each interview, otherwise it'd be easier to just keep doing them and count each instance of discrimination as a data point and assistance in helping us avoid an environment that isn't a fit.

A funny thing is that people used to think I was gay because I presented myself a little too well and was a little too gentle in my attitude or something. Now I'm out here doing construction demolition and I'm a little too rugged looking to make my old friends comfortable.

Best wishes to everyone who has a hard time finding an environment where they fit.

If you are gay why work for a homophobe? Seems like you’ve dodged a bullet.

Because marginalized folks don't always have a choice.

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