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It depends on the company and the tech stack. If it's an in demand stack with plenty of candidates then the most capable of hitting the ground running will win.

If you have a less popular tech stack then you need to be more flexible. You aren't going to get a lot of developers that know everything and you will need to look at how adaptable they are.

Where I work we don't particularly care about specific experience with our stack. A good developer is a good developer regardless of the stack. And we set aside time for people to get comfortable with the code base. It's not expected that even seniors come in and make contributions on day one. Obviously it's more generous to juniors and mid level developers.

That's why I said list what's relevant to the job, but don't list your entire life story there. If you're an expert that can hit the ground running, then make it known. But if you're applying for a front end React role and you're listing PHP experience from 5 years ago, it's probably not relevant. You can use that space to detail more about what you're good at.

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