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I remember there is a bug with the hang glider that if you move down and up you gain momentum

Back in the day far cry 1 was ultra realistic graphics.

The game was fun to play, the most annoying thing is if you throw a rock or grenade where they can see if your stealth meter in instantly goes to zero and they start shooting you.

I played it a lot, hehe.

:) me too - guiding trigens towards the mercs from a patrol boat with rockets.

Coming out of the bunker was amazing and then the realization that it would be a guided tour because "Doyle" :|

The game is riddled with small bugs, like you can knock the phone off the rock in the first level bunker then the cut scene will have him picking it up.

Having the trigens fight the people throughout the game was fun, and stealth aspect as well.

It's funny how the game emphasis seemed to be on the realistic mode, but it's like it was only tested on medium - the trigens would die very quickly and easily on realistic if the guards shot them, if I had to guess probably the bullet damage is turned up on that mode.

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