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Deploy Ruby on Rails with Dokku – (Includes Redis, Sidekiq, ARM Servers, Docker) (railsnotes.xyz)
4 points by hbroadbent on July 1, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Dokku Maintainer here!

Awesome post! I'm reading through it and this struck me as odd:

    > For buildpack-based deployments, the location of the app.json file should be at the root of your repository. Dockerfile-based app deploys should have the app.json in the configured WORKDIR directory; otherwise, Dokku defaults to the buildpack app behaviour of looking in /app.
Thats definitely incorrect now, and was changed in 0.30.0[1] but I neglected to update the docs. I'll get that sorted out now.


The `Procfile` `release` process is there to emulate Heroku's `release` process support.


The cron support in `app.json` does not support running dokku commands, so folks cannot schedule postgres backups in there without doing something spooky/not recommended.

[1] https://dokku.com/docs/appendices/0.30.0-migration-guide/

Hey thank you for the feedback!

I'll go and make some edits now.

With the app.json file, can you confirm what the default path for it should be? it seems like the default is placing app.json in the root directory of a project, but i'm still unsure.

You've clarified though that we can adjust this with

dokku app-json:set node-js-app appjson-path .dokku/app.json

which is helpful!

Yeah you can just place it in the root of your repo. If you deploy a docker image via `git:from-image` or `git:load-image`, the file is extracted from the image itself, otherwise it is from the committed source code root. You can always change the path as you showed above.

Hey HN — recently, I've been digging into Dokku, and how we can use it to deploy a Ruby on Rails app. I've tried to compile everything I've learnt from a week of tinkering with Hetzner servers, lot's of trial and error, and many, many blog posts.

I hope you find this useful! I wasn't too familiar with Dokku before writing this guide (and I still have a lot to learn), to if you have any feedback or suggestions, I'd love to hear it.

Thanks! Harrison

Thank you for the post!

Wow! The Heztner price is too good to be true. I need to make a migration to it

agreed — even with some recent price increases they have amazing prices

Great guide!

thank you!

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