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The flip side is 'do you want to work for someone who's ego is so fragile that asking a couple of questions might tank your interview'?

Maybe you're OK navigating around that person, but many are not, and I'd rather not have to bother.

Yeah, there's only so much you can glean, but just like they're looking for red flags from you, you're looking for red flags from them.

I'm not sure how common it is (in tech) to be interviewed by the person you work under. If it were common, I would agree with you.

Every tech interview I have had has, at some point, included interviewing with the person I'd be working under

One of the interviewers in my loop at $BigTech was my future manager. He was hiring for his team.

But even that’s irrelevant because of turnover and reorgs, you’re not likely to be under your current manager for long.

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