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Firefly's Rockchip RK3588 SBCs Are Now Available with 32GB RAM (cnx-software.com)
12 points by rcarmo 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Who designs these things?

Two HDMI outputs, one HDMI input... but only one NVME, one gigabit port, no SATA...

I'm sure someone could come up with a use for this configuration, but I would love to have more storage and networking options.

Price is still expensive when compared to a x64 mini PC, but ARM is slowly getting to the point where it’s worth considering for a small workstation (depending on workload)

As long as the software you need supports ARM.

I have a PineBook pro and it's kinda amazing how a $220 arm laptop like that is usable and has a 8-9 hours battery life.

But when you need x86, you need x86.

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