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Gen Z and Millennials don't know what their colleagues are talking about (theregister.com)
7 points by mr_toad 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Corpspeak has gotten really pernicious in recent years. Its proponents and purveyors would do well to read George Orwell‘s writings on language: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_and_the_English_Lan....

These neologisms really grind my gears:

It’s a „request,“ not an „ask“ (noun).

It’s an „all-hands,“ a „roundtable,“ or a „townhall,“ not a „fireside chat“ for large, informal face-to-face meetings between executives and their staff.

A good day to have "disrupt to bullshit" available

""" OK, people, let's bullshit in some bullshit bullshit and synergize cross-functionally to bullshit our bullshits and bullshit bullshits. Let's think outside the box and optimize our bullshit while aligning our bullshit bullshits. Remember to bullshit and provide bullshit on the bullshit, ensuring we stay on track with our bullshit bullshits. It's essential to bullshit our scalable bullshits and adopt a bullshit approach to bullshit bullshit shifts and achieve our stretch bullshits. Let's dive deep, bullshit into the bullshit details, and bullshit if necessary, all while fostering a culture of continuous improvement.


When your writing is childish it makes me assume your data is garbage.

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