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How an OS allocates memory is pretty important

This detail of an in kernel allocator isn't very important or novel, but Linux changes are easy to report on since they're done in public, so they get articles.

Like I sayed important but uninteresting.

Because this is not about changing how Linux allocates memory.

It's about deprecating a method Linux used in the past but has by default switched away from already in the past.

> Like I sayed important but uninteresting

Uninteresting to you. Interesting to me.

Clearly people disagree that it's uninteresting.

You don't need to personally like every story posted on HN. It's fine to skip the some of them. You can even hide them.

it's not weather its interesting for me or you but weather its interesting enough for HN readers to interact with it in the comment section ...

and I was wondering how something which seemed to be not leading to much engagement at all ended up on the front page, I wasn't complaining or saying it's bad, just wondering

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