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Alcohol-free beers have got a lot better in the past 10 years

I would say even in the last 3 years there's been big strides.

I tried one a few weeks ago, in my son's end of schoolyear party. I found it so bad that I couldn't even make myself go beyond the second gulp... I had to stealthily leave it somewhere and pick a bottle of water.

It could be that my local beer brand uses old tech, though.

I'll keep trying from time to time, but at the moment nothing comes even remotely close to the real thing for my taste.

Try one from a brand with multiple 0/ish% beers, not just the 0/lite/whatever version of the 'normal' product. Then it's actually designed to be a good drink, with a distinct profile to another one.

Similar to my advice on vegetarian food - you don't want it to be 'the vegetarian version', de-meated from the normal one. You want the vegetables to become the star, so you want an XYZ (what are the vegetables) lasagne, not a 'vegetarian lasagne'.

Sam Adams "Just the Haze" is my favorite 0% beer right now. Personally, I prefer a tonic & (lots) of lime or iced tea if I'm abstaining.

They’re a lot better, but they’re still nowhere close to the real thing.

It’s absolutely beneficial there’s no chance of hangovers though.

In the US I strongly recommend Athletic Brewing Co

Also hop water is delicious.

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