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barry-cotter 11 months ago | hide | past | favorite

It is remarkable at how much this reads like the rants of an incel — "it's everyone else's responsibility but my own... society is at fault because of women... maybe treat me nicer and I won't be a misogynist..."

The anti-trans remarks at the end is a strong indicator this author has not exceed their incel views, rather, just hidden it with a smug "I've grown and are thus better than you," which is so overtly transparent I thought this might've been a parody.

I thought those supposed "anti-trans remarks" were actually quite astute. Many of the men who decide to trans themselves are doing so to try to become a sex object, a fulfillment of their lonely desires. They'll dress it up in the language of civil rights and identity, but underneath all that is the impulse of sexual desire and belonging.

Conversely, women tend to trans themselves for the opposite sort of reason, to escape the sexual objectification pushed onto them by society.

No, people transition to align their gender with their physical or sexual characteristics.

(I am trying really hard to be polite because this is HN and people show that curtousey, but what you have written is not only incorrect but offensive and I implore you to seek out different topics that those which only see the world from the perspective of male sexual objectification.)

But as "gender" (in the sense of "gender identity") is a euphemism for these thoughts, feelings and desires, this amounts to the same thing.

"Gender identity" in itself is a term used to obscure the various different reasons why some people choose to trans themselves. Often alongside thought-terminating clichés such as TWAW, to try to ward off any further scrutiny.

Yeah I got that impression too.

I don't get the premise though. If you extend horrible views and then get treated poorly by others that is simple the consequences of your actions. It also does not mean that people are devoid of compassion for you.

It's like complaining that the criminal justice system makes victims of criminals.

Yes, the hate nerds are being rejected broadly, but also yes that many in their lives will be showing them compassion and trying to rehabilitate them. Both are true, and both are needed.

It's wild to suggest that hate nerds should be treated with only compassion, or even to suggest they get zero compassion from anyone. That's just unfounded conjecture.

If you think toxic people are being treated too unfairly then perhaps its because you think their toxicity is actually okay to some degree and just need to self-reflect on why that is.

I mean I would put it this way, the left is the coalition of the ascendant economically / politically / culturally since the education sort. What it means to be on the losing end, to be descending into the social / economic abyss, is kind lost for the most part on the modern Democratic Party. Given that political power is heavily biased toward geography, catering ideologically only to the most educated coastal city dwellers is at best a formula to slowly lose out against fascism. At some point, the fact that territory is so heavily weighted in the American political system will win out, it's our political laws of physics. It may feel satisfying to write off a huge section of the country but it's also a long term strategy that will ultimately suck the life out of Democrats / left and doom Democracy.

Some good points in there, but no conclusion. I've read this article a few times before from various people and I'm wondering what's next in the discourse on this issue.

"They congregate on [...] 8kun, the successor to 8chan..."

I am pretty sure only Qanon boomers congregate there now ever since Ron very clearly chose to pander to them over a more traditional and slightly more balanced (such as it is) imageboard userbase. There was also a second 8chan with the extension .SE where a lot of people left to go to after Ron became like that.

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